Books + Sale = BOOKSALE

I always visit BOOKSALE before I head straight right home. In this way, I can avoid rush hour and traffic.


In my first visit, I was shocked and amazed at how many books I saw. At that moment, I don’t have any idea what books to look for or to search for – it makes me feel overwhelm. You may say that some books are not properly arranged or “sabog“. But later on, I observed that the books were sorted or grouped as Bestsellers, Magazines, Childrens, Non-fictions, Religions, Hardbound, Paperbacks..etc.



I feel so lucky to spot two Agatha Christie’s titles in BOOKSALE. I’m very eager to collect her titles since it is included in my wishlist (My collection). Her books started to be published at 1920 and I considered this as a scarce book. You may say not, since it also available now in leading bookstores. But compared to some bookstores, one book of Agatha Christie cost around 550php or more and I believe that there are 88 books under her name and if I will collect all of her titles, it will cost me for around 44,000php(Woah?!, I could buy now a SLR for that price!) Well, I am not that rich, even if I am a super big fan of Christie, I would really give up collecting her books and will resort to e-books.


Then I saw the prices at BOOKSALE, would you believe that Agatha Christie‘s titles are worth only for 100php? And some are just 50php or 20php? (Wow! I can finally breathe, thanks for reviving my broken dreams. What a big relief!)  BOOKSALE, as the name says, the books are always on sale! You can really save up from 80% to 90% discount!

You might wonder why it is so cheap? It is because these books are second-hand. Some are very old book. But…but most of the books are still in very good condition. Well, some of it might have name printed on it, (which I found really interesting, it is like there is a written history marked on the book itself and I’m having a thought if the previous owner of the book sold it because it is not a good book or s/he just need some money?) Anyway, you might have a chance also to find some minor defects like folded pages, soiled pages, stained, etc.. I think they made justice for this since the price were much lesser. (Fair enough)


For me, it doesn’t really matter if the books were second hand or an old book (It is just me, who love the scent of the oldbook?). The real deal is the content. So, I really checked if there are missing pages or torn pages, and as long the pages are readable, then I’m good.

Did you know?

One time, I saw a lot of A Series of Unfortunate Events books by Lemony Snicket. There are 13 books in this series and I knew that I already have some books of it but I quite not sure if the one that I will be buying will not be duplicated.

It was a disaster, I’m so confused, I can’t really verify or checked if I already have a copy. Well, I really need to buy it now since I’m afraid that on the next day I will visit the bookstore, it will be unavailable or out-of -stock. (That really happens several times to me, either bought by the other people or it will be pulled out) So I asked the salesclerk, if they do reservation. Sadly, they don’t.

Then I was told that I can exchange the duplicate book to a new book. Just bring the book (my original copy, a proof that you have already a copy) along with the receipt. Take note that you can’t exhange it with a new book that is below the price of the duplicate book. The price should be equal to the duplicate book. In case that the book that you will trade has a greater than the price, you just need to add more cash to meet its price.

But what if it the title are the same but has the cover photo is not?

They said that it also applies the same as well.

Note: This is only valid for 7 days.

Also take consider the salesclerks that you have a conversation with. (Others may not know or unaware of it)

Tips and advices:

  • They are updating/restocking their books thrice a week. It is good to visit Booksale for at least 3 times a day. 🙂
  • You can found also back issues of magazines.
  • They are also selling new issues. Most are magazines.
  • Some books don’t come in regular. If you have a feeling of buying it, I advise you to buy it.

Click here for the list of BOOKSALE branches in Metro Manila.

Taken @ Cubao, Shopwise Branch. Near AliMall.

I love this bookstore! I love BOOKSALE! I really enjoy spending time digging random books that I might found interesting. If you are up for the hunt for books, then this one is definitely for you.


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